IT Classes in Pune, IT Course in Pune, IT Training Institute In Pune

India’s Leading and Trusted IT Training Institute Offering Classroom & Online Training 100% Job Guaranteed​ Offer Latter Experts Teaching​
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Python Full Stack Developer Curriculum

  • Weaving the World Wide Web
  • Text Formatting tags
  • HTML structures
  • Transformers of the Web (CSS)
  • Unlocking creative toolbox (CSS Properties)
  • Responsive Utilities
  • Bootstrap
  • Introduction to Python
  • Operators in Python
  • Conditional Statement
  • Loops in Python
  • Introduction to Computer Essentials
  • Computational Thinking
  • Coding Construct
  • SQL Launchpad
  • Crafting SQL Databases (DDL)
  • ER Diagram and Normalization
  • Querying into Data (DQL)
  • Mastering Data Control (DML)

Industry Oriented Curriculum

An exhaustive curriculum designed by our industry experts which will help you to get placed in your dream IT company

Case Studies & Projects
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Languages & Tools
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Industry Projects

Learn Python Full Stack Developer Course Through Real-Life Industry Projects Sponsored by Top Companies Across Industries.

Job Hai

This is an application that enables companies to post new job requirements which the applicants can view and apply.

Currency Convertor

This application in the Python Full Stack Developer Course, will give you real-time currency value and showcase the conversion rate.

Game: Word Scaping

It’s a fun game in the Python Full Stack Developer Course that will show you jumbled letters and the user needs to create as many words as possible from the letters.

Alice in the Wonder Land

Here you will deal with the novel of Alice in Wonderland, where you will learn to fetch information from the novel and perform tasks like line-counting the words, phrases, dialogues, etc.

Stop Watch

In this Python Full Stack Developer Course, the project will be utilizing the Python Time API to create a simulator of the Stop Watch.

Pet Store

Your online pet store for great food, grooming products, accessories, and all the luxury needs of your pet.

Key Highlight For Java Full Stack Development Course

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100 % Job Guarantee
100 % Job Guarantee
100 % Job Guarantee
100 % Job Guarantee
100 % Job Guarantee
100 % Job Guarantee
100 % Job Guarantee
100 % Job Guarantee
100 % Job Guarantee
100 % Job Guarantee

Industry-focused curriculum designed by industry experts to help students in understanding real-world case studies with a practical approach.


Programing Languages & Tools Coverd In Java Full Stack Developer Course

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Master Certification in Python Full-Stack Development

The Master Certification in Python Full-Stack Web Development Course prepares you for the heavyweight title- Python Full Stack Developer. Not just that, along with the Master Certification in Python Full Stack Developer Course you shall be given a 9-course module completion certificate at every check-point clearance if you are effective in meeting the Itvedant® Assessment Standards.


You Are Just a Few Steps Closer To Your Dream Job

Career Advice
Follow the 3A Rule

Organizations across the globe trust our students and their brilliant technical skills in Full Stack Development, Data Science & Analytics with AI, AWS Cloud Technology . which results in them getting hired at excellent companies with impressive pay scales. Itvedant India’s fastest-growing Software Training Institute, provide a range of IT Courses helping to shape the future of our students in every way possible. The Coding Courses provided by our Institute are highly valuable and worthy for the students.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Our IT Courses

Once the inquiry has been generated about our IT Courses, our career guides will get in touch with you at the nearest branch address and give you personal counseling about our courses such as Full Stack Development, Data Science and Analytics with AI, AWS Cloud Technology, and many more.

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