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how to become a python developer

How to Become a Python Developer

Are you eager to become a Python developer? Curious about the crucial Python developer skills and the lucrative salary prospects in India’s job market? 

You’re in the right place! 

Explore essential Python developer skills and salary insights here—guiding you toward a prosperous career in Python development.

Growing Demand for Python Developers

Python is in high demand in India, with several IT companies relying on it—offering abundant career opportunities. 

Whether you’re interested in data science, finance, healthcare, or e-commerce, Python skills can open doors to a thriving career with an average annual growth of 45% for Python developers, as per 2021 data.

Overview of Python 

Python is a versatile programming language known for its simplicity and readability. 

With Python, you can build websites, analyze data, develop applications, and explore artificial intelligence. Python makes it all possible. 

What’s more? The vibrant Python community ensures you’re never alone on your journey, making it the perfect choice to kickstart your rewarding programming career.

Getting Started with Python

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility. 

The language has gained widespread popularity for its ease of learning, clean syntax, and applicability in various domains—including web development, data analysis, scientific computing, automation, and artificial intelligence. 

It also boasts a vast standard library and a thriving open-source community, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced developers seeking to build robust and efficient software solutions.

Reasons to Choose Python 

Python ensures its user-friendly nature, adaptability, productivity boost, strong community support, and abundant career opportunities. This makes it the most preferred choice over other programming languages.

  • Ease of Learning: Python’s beginner-friendly syntax and readability make it ideal for newcomers, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable learning experience.
  • Versatility: Python’s adaptability allows you to pursue diverse interests, from web development to data science, without the need to learn multiple languages.
  • Productivity: Python’s rich standard library and third-party packages simplify development, enabling you to build applications more efficiently.
  • Community Support: A welcoming and active Python community ensures you have access to helpful resources, tutorials, and assistance whenever needed.
  • Industry Demand: Python’s widespread use across industries guarantees numerous job opportunities, making it a smart choice for career growth.

Is It Hard To Become a Python Developer?

Becoming a Python developer is accessible and not typically considered hard, especially for beginners. 

Python’s simplicity, readability, and extensive resources make it an excellent starting point for learning programming. What sets Python apart is its efficiency; you’ll often need fewer lines of code to accomplish tasks, compared to languages like Java or C/C++. 

This user-friendly approach ensures that Python is an excellent choice for those starting your programming journey.

How to Become a Python Developer?

Step 1: Learn the Basics of Programming

Begin your journey by understanding programming fundamentals

  • Concepts like variables, data types, and operators
  • Logic with control structures (if, loops)
  • Functions and modular programming
  • Input/output handling

Step 2: Set Up Your Development Environment

Configure your Python development environment

  • Choose an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • Install Python and necessary packages
  • Learn version control with tools like Git

Step 3: Master Python Fundamentals

Dive deep into Python’s core concepts

  • Advanced data types (lists, dictionaries, sets)
  • File handling and exceptions
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles
  • Python’s standard library

Step 4: Deepen Your Knowledge with Advanced Topics

Progress to more advanced Python concepts

  • Decorators and generators
  • Context managers
  • Multi-threading and multiprocessing
  • Regular expressions

Step 5: Work with Python Data Structures

Explore data manipulation with Python

  • Learn data structures like stacks, queues, and trees
  • Advanced data manipulation with NumPy and Pandas

Step 6: Learn About Python Libraries and Frameworks

Discover Python’s vast ecosystem

  • Web development with Django or Flask
  • Data analysis with Matplotlib and Seaborn
  • Machine learning with scikit-learn

Step 7: Build Projects

Apply your knowledge with hands-on projects

  • Develop web applications, data analysis tools, or automation scripts
  • Experiment with real-world scenarios

Step 8: Practice Coding Challenges

Sharpen your problem-solving skills

  • Solve coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank
  • Learn algorithms and data structures

Step 9: Network and Join Python Communities

Connect with the Python community

  • Attend local meetups and conferences
  • Engage in online forums and discussion groups
  • Collaborate on open-source projects

Step 10: Create an Impressive Portfolio

Showcase your work and skills

  • Build a personal website or portfolio
  • Include project descriptions and code samples

Step 11: Prepare for Interviews

Ready yourself for job interviews

  • Practice coding interviews
  • Learn about common interview questions
  • Be confident in discussing your projects

Step 12: Keep Your Resume and Profile Updated on Job Portals

Maintain an active presence

  • Regularly update your resume and LinkedIn profile
  • Apply for job openings aligned with your skills

Learn the Basics of Programming

Start by understanding fundamental programming concepts like variables, data types, loops, and conditional statements. 

Learn how to think algorithmically and solve problems logically.

Set Up Your Development Environment

Install Python on your computer from the official Python website. 

Choose a code editor or integrated development environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, or Jupyter Notebook for coding comfort.

Master Python Fundamentals

Dive into Python’s core syntax, understanding concepts like functions, variables, and data structures. 

Explore object-oriented programming (OOP) principles and practice writing Python code regularly.

Deepen Your Knowledge with Advanced Topics

Explore advanced Python topics such as decorators, generators, context managers, and modules. 

Stay updated with the latest Python 3 features to leverage its capabilities fully.

Work with Python Data Structures

Understand Python’s built-in data structures like lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. 

Learn how to manipulate and utilize them effectively for data handling and processing.

Learn About Python Libraries and Frameworks

Familiarize yourself with Python libraries and frameworks relevant to your interests. 

For data analysis, consider libraries like NumPy and pandas. For web development, explore Django and Flask.

Build Projects

Apply your knowledge by creating real-world projects. 

Start with simple ones, like a to-do list application, and gradually take on more complex projects. 

Projects provide practical experience and demonstrate your skills.

Practice Coding Challenges

Solve coding challenges on online platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or CodeSignal. 

These challenges sharpen your problem-solving abilities, algorithmic thinking, and coding speed.

Network and Join Python Communities

Connect with fellow developers through online forums (e.g., Stack Overflow, Reddit), local meetups, and social media groups. 

Engaging with the Python community allows you to seek help, share knowledge, and stay updated with industry trends.

Create an Impressive Portfolio

Build a personal website or GitHub profile to showcase your projects and code. 

Include project descriptions, documentation, and the technologies used. 

A well-maintained portfolio impresses potential employers and collaborators.

Prepare for Interviews

Practice technical interviews with Python-specific questions and algorithms. 

Review data structures like arrays, linked lists, and trees. Understand time complexity and space complexity analysis.

Keep Your Resume and Profile Updated on Job Portals

Regularly update your LinkedIn profile and accounts on job portals like Indeed or LinkedIn Jobs. 

Highlight your Python skills, projects, and any certifications or courses you complete. 

This increases your visibility to recruiters.

Skills Required for Python Developer

Title: Skills required for Python Developer 

Skills Required for Python Developer

By honing the following skills, you’ll excel as a versatile Python developer, adept at diverse tasks, and a valuable contributor to software projects.

  • Strong Python Proficiency: Master the Python language for coding excellence and problem-solving.
  • Web Development Skills: Understand HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create responsive web interfaces.
  • Framework Expertise: Gain proficiency in Python frameworks like Django or Flask for efficient web development.
  • Data Handling and Libraries: Develop skills in data manipulation using Python libraries and harness the power of data for insights and solutions.
  • Machine Learning and AI: Explore the world of machine learning and artificial intelligence to leverage Python’s capabilities for cutting-edge applications.
  • Effective Communication: Enhance communication skills for collaborating with teams and conveying technical ideas clearly.

Python Developer Salary in India

In recent times, Python expertise has driven substantial demand and competitive compensation packages. Let’s delve into the earning potential within the Python development market.

According to a report by Indeed as of August 16, 2023, the average annual salary for Python developers stands at ₹6,80,297—an impressive figure.

AmbitionBox data reveals that Python developers with 1 to 4 years of experience earn between ₹1.5 LPA to ₹8.7 LPA, with an average annual salary of ₹4.0 LPA. This translates to estimated monthly take-home salaries ranging from ₹29,531 to ₹30,852.

In the Indian job market, Python developer salaries can vary widely based on factors like location, company size, and individual skills. 

Here’s a general breakdown:

Python Developer Salary by Experience

Experience Level Average Annual Salary Estimated Take Home Salary
Fresher ₹2.2 LPA ₹15,222 – ₹16,808
1 year ₹3.0 LPA ₹21,498 – ₹23,139
2 years ₹4.0 LPA ₹29,531 – ₹30,852
3 years ₹5.0 LPA ₹37,564 – ₹38,765
4 years ₹6.0 LPA ₹45,597 – ₹46,678



  • Fresher (0-1 year of experience): ₹2.2 lakhs per annum, with an estimated monthly take-home salary of ₹15,222 – ₹16,808.


  • 1 year of experience: ₹3.0 lakhs per annum, with an estimated monthly take-home salary of ₹21,498 – ₹23,139.
  • 2 years of experience: ₹4.0 lakhs per annum, with an estimated monthly take-home salary of ₹29,531 – ₹30,852.
  • 3 years of experience: ₹5.0 lakhs per annum, with an estimated monthly take-home salary of ₹37,564 – ₹38,765.


  • 4 years of experience: ₹6.0 lakhs per annum, with an estimated monthly take-home salary of ₹45,597 – ₹46,678

Python Developer Salary by Top Companies

Company By Experience Average Annual Salary
TCS 1-7 years ₹4.9 LPA
Wipro 0-5 years ₹5.1 LPA
Tech Mahindra 2-4 years ₹5.3 LPA
Accenture 1-4 years ₹5.7 LPA
Capgemini 1-5 years ₹6.4 LPA
Infosys 1-5 years ₹4.8 LPA
Cognizant 2-4 years ₹5.9 LPA
IBM 1-5 years ₹5.4 LPA
HCLTech 1-6 years ₹5.9 LPA
R G Technosolutions 0-3 years ₹3.0 LPA


Python Developer Salary by City

City Average Annual Salary Estimated Take Home Salary
Bengaluru/Bangalore ₹4.4 LPA ₹32,998 – ₹34,267
Hyderabad ₹4.0 LPA ₹29,531 – ₹30,852
Pune ₹4.0 LPA ₹29,818 – ₹31,135
Chennai ₹3.7 LPA ₹27,322 – ₹28,701
New Delhi ₹3.8 LPA ₹27,924 – ₹29,295
Mumbai ₹3.7 LPA ₹27,124 – ₹28,506
Noida ₹3.8 LPA ₹27,878 – ₹29,249
Gurgaon/Gurugram ₹4.2 LPA ₹31,282 – ₹32,577
Ahmedabad ₹3.0 LPA ₹21,498 – ₹23,139

Resources To Find Python Development Jobs

Here’s a list of some valuable resources to find Python development jobs:

  1. Job Portals and Aggregators
  • LinkedIn Jobs: Explore job listings, connect with recruiters, and join Python-related groups for networking.
  • Indeed: A popular job search engine that aggregates listings from various sources, including company websites and job boards.
  • A leading Indian job portal with numerous Python developer job open
  1. Company Websites

Visit the career pages of companies you’re interested in. Many organizations post job openings on their websites.

  1. Freelancing Platforms:

Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal offer freelance opportunities for Python developers.

  1. Tech Communities:

Participate in tech forums like Stack Overflow and GitHub, where job listings are often posted. Engaging in open-source projects can also lead to job opportunities.

  1. Networking:

Attend tech meetups, conferences, and networking events. Personal connections can lead to job referrals.

  1. Social Media:

Follow tech companies and professionals on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. They often share job openings.

  1. Online Courses and Bootcamps:

Some online courses and bootcamps have dedicated career support services to help you find Python developer jobs.

  1. Alumni Networks:

If you’re a student or a graduate, leverage your university’s alumni network for job leads and advice.

Remember to customize your resume and cover letter for each application and actively engage in the job search process.

What Jobs Can You Get With Python?

Software Developer/Engineer Python Web Developer Data Analyst Data Scientist Machine Learning Engineer Artificial Intelligence Engineer
How you can use Python Develop diverse applications with Python. Craft interactive web applications. Analyze data, aid decisions. Predict with machine learning. Build intelligent systems with Python. Create cutting-edge AI solutions.
Average salary in India ₹6,12,500/yr. ₹4,65,000/yr. ₹4,74,751/yr. ₹11,37,500/yr. ₹7,27,457/yr. ₹6,05,168/yr.


Software Developer/Engineer

  • How You Can Use Python: As a software developer, Python empowers you to create a wide range of applications and tools, from web apps to automation scripts.
  • Average Salary in India: ₹6,12,500/yr.

Python Web Developer:

  • How You Use Python: Python web developers like you craft interactive websites and applications using frameworks like Django and Flask.
  • Average Salary in India: ₹4,65,000/yr.

Data Analyst:

  • How You Use Python: As a data analyst, Python serves as your toolkit for data cleansing, analysis, and visualization, aiding businesses in data-driven decision-making.
  • Average Salary in India: ₹4,74,751/yr.

Data Scientist:

  • How You Use Python: Python fuels your work in data science, enabling you to unravel complex data, create machine learning models, and predict outcomes.
  • Average Salary in India: ₹11,37,500/yr.

Machine Learning Engineer:

  • How You Use Python: As a machine learning engineer, Python is your ally for building and deploying intelligent systems, from recommendation engines to natural language processing.
  • Average Salary in India: ₹7,27,457/yr.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer:

  • How You Use Python: Python empowers you to create cutting-edge AI solutions, from computer vision to speech recognition, paving the way for advanced technology.
  • Average Salary in India: ₹6,05,168/yr.

Importance of Pursuing an Internship

Pursuing an internship offers you the opportunity to practical learning, skill mastery, networking, resume building, and attain clarity on your career path.

  • Practical Learning: Internships provide a unique platform for hands-on learning, allowing you to apply academic knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing your understanding and adaptability.
  • Skill Mastery: They offer an opportunity to master industry-specific skills, accelerating your professional growth and making you a valuable asset in your field.
  • Networking Powerhouse: Internships facilitate networking with seasoned professionals, mentors, and potential future employers. Building these relationships can open doors to mentorship, job offers, and career advancement.
  • Strategic Resume Building: Internship experiences strategically position you on your resume, emphasizing your commitment to professional development and showcasing your ability to thrive in professional settings.
  • Career Path Clarity: Internships serve as a compass for your career journey, allowing you to explore diverse roles and industries, ultimately helping you make informed career decisions aligned with your passions and strengths.



Are you uncertain of how to become a successful Python developer? Worried about the competitive job market? 

Don’t be. ITpreneur is your solution.

ITpreneur guarantees your success with 100% placement, immediate job offers, and flexible payment options. 

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What qualifications do I need to become a Python developer?

To become a Python developer, you typically need a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field. However, practical coding skills and project experience often carry equal weight.

How long does it take to become a Python developer?

The time it takes varies. Learning Python basics can take a few months, but becoming proficient may require a year or more, depending on your dedication and goals.

What can I expect as an entry-level Python developer in terms of salary?

Entry-level Python developers in India can expect salaries ranging from ₹2.2 lakhs to ₹6 lakhs per annum, depending on location and company.

What are the essential skills and knowledge areas for a Python developer?

Key skills include proficiency in Python, web development, data manipulation, and problem-solving. Knowledge of frameworks like Django or Flask is beneficial.

How important is hands-on project experience in becoming a Python developer?

Hands-on project experience is vital. It demonstrates your ability to apply Python skills, solve real problems, and showcases your practical expertise to potential employers.

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