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.NET is the killer product. It gives developers choice and power. The majority of the current developers, they writing business applications that have some Internet components. To ensure security and scalability programmers do not have to waste time in repetitive code because with .NET, these things are built-in.

Microsoft’s .net is counter to technologies such as Java and movements such as open source.  Microsoft plans to position the company as an innovator with the product of C# and internet standard bodies such as the one that ratified SOAP.

.NET is important to each group like a developer, project managers, and companies


.NET language has control over developers.  The dot net allows the Developer to choose their language and their project paradigm—even the development environment is completely customizable. If you get knowledge of .net tools then it’s easy to handle. With this joyful environment of dot net, developers will see increased productivity and enhanced capability.

Project Manager:

In the software development process, the project managers are on the front line. A project manager has to answer to both users and management for the status, or feature-set of a piece of software. Project managers face the challenge for increased the productivity of products and delivered within the timeline.


For the company, .NET allows exploring new business models. Like the Internet has created new markets and sales channels, Microsoft intends to develop software services for existing business models. For example, consider a consumer product research firm. Dot NET opens up new partnership opportunities for business. It also assures a higher degree of connectivity, connectivity, and productivity.  Dot net enables businesses to focus on the future without letting go of the past.

For End-users .NET puts their information through centralized services in control.



.NET helps you develop high-quality applications faster. Generics, Language Integrated Query, and asynchronous programming with this Modern language make developers productive.

Any app, any platform:

With .NET you can run any application type on any platform. Developers can reuse the code across all of them in a familiar environment.


In application, performance is a critical feature but in dot net, it provides better response times and requires less compute power Dot NET performs very fast than other frameworks. Stack Overflow serves 5.3M page views a day on just 9 servers.

Trusted and secure

.NET provides you security benefits via its managed runtime. ASP.NET has a good framework that is available to prevent certain types of attacks. It also generates anti-forgery tokens. It prevents critical issues like bad pointer manipulation or malicious attempts to alter compiled code. Microsoft takes security very seriously and releases updates accordingly when threats are discovered.

Large ecosystem:

With the negative to positive trends and that position .net has changed its ecosystem.  Find answers to technical challenges from the community, key players in the company, and our large supportive organization.

Open source:

.net is open-source and under the .net Foundation. It is an independent non-profit supporting the innovative, commercially friendly. Because .NET is open-source so it has thousands of contributions from developers and companies outside of Microsoft.

Important to Dot Net Developer:

If we take a look at the survey, the results from the past two years (i.e. 2019 and 2020) are quite unusual for the .NET framework in the stack overflow survey cycles. Dot net Core is one place in 2019 compared to 2018, but the cool thing is Net is now back in the competition. This could be due to Microsoft’s release of .NET 5.

iTpreneur Data System is the best IT Training and placement institute, who provides a 100% job Guarantee for the Dot net training course in Pune. We are Dot Net training & Certification Center in Pune Get trained by industry experts with live project work. Along with the dot net certification, we also offer technologically advanced certifications such as data science training, full-stack web development, database and, software testing with Selenium.

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